PVR: add support to 3 new ways of doing authentication agains Pantahub API

We are happy to introduce a new feature in PVR along with the personal tokens, that allows pvr to read your .netrc file and use the credentials saved in there to authenticate any action on pvr against using those credentials.

The .netrc input for PVR will look like this.

machine api.pantahub.com

After that, you will be able to execute pvr login, pvr get, pvr post or any other action on pvr that needs access to our could system without the need to use the interactive mode to set the username or password

We added some new arguments to pvr to accomplish the same if you don’t want to use .netrc. The new global arguments for pvr are:

   --user PVR_USERNAME, -u PVR_USERNAME                  Used for authentication with core services, you can use the environment variable [$PVR_USERNAME] too
   --password PVR_PASSWORD, -p PVR_PASSWORD              Used for authentication with core services, you can use the environment variable [$PVR_PASSWORD] too

This allows to use the arguments on the CLI like this:

pvr -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD login

Or using environment variables like

pvr login

This will help our yocto users as one can add their proprietary containers from private Pantacor Hub repos quiet conveniently with this. Thanks for that!