Self hosted pantahub-base

I’d like to try self hosting pantahub. Its seems that pantahub-devbench is horribly out of date, and mentioned in the readme is private. Are there any other instructions?

Hello Kobus!

I think the best option will be Pantacor / pantahub-devbench · GitLab.

There is not much to be updated, only the submodules, but the general structure is the same. I will test it in order to validate that everything is working as it should. But in general, it should work without any problem.

If you test it with the updated submodules and have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

I’m here to help you with anything.

Another option is to use the docker-compose inside the pantahub-base project, even though this one is used for development purposes but could help to understand the moving parts of the project.

Thanks. I’ve been using the pantahub-base docker-compose as it seemed the most up to date. Do you perhaps have a ENV file or script that works out of the box for local developemnt?

The best way to generate a complete env file will be using the env.default as base.