Pantavisor 019 brings an extensive collection of exciting new features, as well as a robust set of security and stability improvements. You can start using it by downloading new images from our download page selecting the stable channel or update your Pantavisor devices with pvr:
pvr app update bsp
New Features
- Introducing container groups to define common properties such as status goal or restart policy, to achieve deterministic startup order and meet middleware availability needs.
- New status goal feature which can be used to determine the boot up order of containers. Status goal has a configurable timeout that will make updates either fail or unblock other groups if the revision was already validated when the goals are not met.
- New restart policy to specify how transitions to new updates will be performed. More fine grained control of reboot vs. warm updates to reduce system downtime.
- Pantavisor configuration keys can be now bundled as runtime policies and switched dynamically without having to re-compile the BSP.
- Declarative managed drivers provider/consumer protocol that allows BSPs to provide a high-level concept of functionality such as “wifi”, and have it automatically map to a set of named kernel modules. Containers can declare a dependency on such high-level names being available, and have them either auto-load upon starting or on-demand.
- Secure Boot supports now the ES256, ES384 and ES512 algorithms.
- Both device and user metadata can now be stored on encrypted disks.
- Multiple bugs have been fixed for an improved and smoother experience both in local and remote mode.
Instrumentation and Tools
- PVControl has now more capabilities such as listing all running containers, send signals, load drivers on run-time and put objects in a secure way.
- Pantavisor can centralize all your logs. Log server is now more powerful and allows to configure logs output to multiple different sinks: filetree, single-file stdout and/or nullsink.
- Pantavisor 019 comes alongside the pvr 036 tool. This version of pvr brings diff-updates and shared root file system baselines, amongst other things.
- Introducing App Engine, meant to prototype Pantavisor without having to configure and compile a full BSP for your specific board, allowing Pantavisor to run as a daemon.